Choice Overload

Choice Overload

This is how dinner went the other night in our house. One of my children had finished eating and was still hungry. Child: “What else can I have?” Me: “Strawberries” Child: “I don’t want strawberries.” Me, desperately trying to find something for him to eat: “How about...
What the emoji?

What the emoji?

I recently got a text from a colleague with several emoji in it. At the best of times, text messages can be a little complicated to interpret because of their brevity. In fact, earlier that week, that same colleague had texted me back in response to a text about...

Needless Needles?

I had some routine blood work done the other day and it just wasn’t fun. Now I wasn’t expecting Disney World, but there was nothing in the experience that made me think of myself as anything other than a human pin cushion. The room was sterile, the chair...