by Ari Yares | Jul 18, 2016 | 21st Century Learning, The Innovative Dad Blog
Like most people, I haven’t really ever thought of myself as a maker. I’ve been watching as schools and libraries have introduced makerspaces and I’ve encouraged the creation of them and students to get involved in them. But, I never really thought...
by Ari Yares | Jul 12, 2016 | 21st Century Learning, School Psychology, Writings
As a kid, I was always impressed by the list of initials that appeared on the video games at the arcade announcing the high scores (I didn’t at the time realize how many quarters had gone into making that happen). There is something exciting about reaching a...
by Ari Yares | Jun 1, 2016 | 21st Century Learning, School Psychology
Recently, there was a lot of buzz around an NPR story with the eye catching headline, “Attention Students, Put Your Laptops Away.” The research covered in the story boiled down to handwriting good, typing bad when it came to students’ recall and...
by Ari Yares | Apr 17, 2016 | 21st Century Learning, School Psychology
In our kitchen at home, my oldest has started cooking which means teaching her how to measure her ingredients. Generally, this is an easy process because we know what the ingredients are and the kitchen is stocked with a collection of useful measuring tools. It also...
by Ari Yares | Apr 14, 2016 | 21st Century Learning
In cleaning up my digital life, I recently stumbled across my notes from when I was an instructor at Temple University’s College of Education in educational technology. Given that I last taught this course well over a decade ago, most of the tools that we...