Anxiety Resources
Anxiety: What Is It and How Does It Impact Kids?
Anxiety Tracker, Anxiety Pattern Finder, and Calming Strategies Worksheet from
4 Steps to Help Calm Your Kids Down at Night
Anxiety Canada – clearinghouse for anxiety resources
Dealing with Children’s Fears – Part 1 and Part 2
Parenting Strategies to Kid Habits
Parenting Strategies to Kid Habits are short videos about specific parenting strategies that you can use to help your child develop the skills they need to be successful adults in the future.
Parenting Strategies to Kid Habits: Figure 8 Breathing
Sometimes a simple strategy to can help you be more mindful and reduce your anxiety. Try out this figure 8 breathing technique to help your kids (and you) be more mindful and combat anxiety. More Resources Anxiety: What Is It and How Does...
Parenting Strategies to Kid Habits: Helping Kids Study
"Go and study!" is a very direct instruction, but it leaves out that most kids haven't really been taught how to study. Making this more complicated is that not every method of studying works for every kid. And, of course, what role should we be playing as parents?...
Parenting Strategies to Kid Habits: Promoting Speech Development in Young Children, Part 2
Language development is a hallmark of early childhood. We cherish our children's' first words as much or more than physical milestones like crawling or walking. Helping speech and language development is something that parents can play a significant role in. Here are...
Parenting Strategies to Kid Habits: Promoting Speech Development in Young Children, Part 1
Language development is a hallmark of early childhood. We cherish our children's' first words as much or more than physical milestones like crawling or walking. Helping speech and language development is something that parents can play a significant role in. Here are...
Parenting Strategies to Kid Habits: Getting Kids Reading, Part III
Like most skills, reading needs to be practiced in order for fluency to be built. As parents, we are critical to helping encouraging the necessary reading practice and beyond that, a love of reading. Join the Innovative Dad for part three of this series on encouraging...
Parenting Strategies to Kid Habits: Getting Kids Reading, Part II
What does your toolbox for getting your children reading look like? Here are a few more strategies to help encourage reading at home in part two of this three-part series.
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