Anxiety Resources
Anxiety: What Is It and How Does It Impact Kids?
Anxiety Tracker, Anxiety Pattern Finder, and Calming Strategies Worksheet from
4 Steps to Help Calm Your Kids Down at Night
Anxiety Canada – clearinghouse for anxiety resources
Dealing with Children’s Fears – Part 1 and Part 2
Parenting Strategies to Kid Habits
Parenting Strategies to Kid Habits are short videos about specific parenting strategies that you can use to help your child develop the skills they need to be successful adults in the future.
Parenting Strategies to Kid Habits: Getting Kids Involved in Dinner
Planning and cooking dinner for a family can be stressful, particularly when your kids are spectators and not participants. Here are some simple ways to pull them into the process.
Parenting Strategies to Kid Habits: Springing Forward
For parents, changing the clocks twice a year is a royal pain in the neck. It disrupts not only our own sleep cycles but our kids' as well. With a little preparation, though, you can make it less rocky this year.
Parenting Strategies to Kid Habits: Build Confidence by Accepting Mistakes
It can be hard to accept the mistakes that our children make. But in accepting mistakes, we can teach our kids how to use failure to thrive and develop perseverance. More Parenting Strategies Parenting Strategies to Kid Habits: Promoting...
Parenting Strategies to Kid Habits: Coaching Your Child to Better Problem Solving
Problem-solving isn't a skill that just magically appears in our kids. It needs to be nurtured and encouraged. Otherwise, our kids will rely on us to be the solution to all of their problems. Here's one way to coach your child to better problem-solving skills....
Parenting Strategies to Kid Habits: STOP Practice
Sometimes, there is so much going on that we need to stop just to get our heads screwed back on correctly. Using this STOP strategy can help you and your kids do just that. More Parenting Strategies Mindfulness and Parenting: What’s the...
Parenting Strategies to Kid Habits: Putting Silence to Work
One of the hardest lessons that I had to learn as a therapist was to embrace silence when a patient wasn't speaking. I had a compulsion to fill the space which meant that I was distracting the patient from whatever they were about to tell me. As a parent, I've learned...
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