What the emoji?

What the emoji?

I recently got a text from a colleague with several emoji in it. At the best of times, text messages can be a little complicated to interpret because of their brevity. In fact, earlier that week, that same colleague had texted me back in response to a text about...

Needless Needles?

I had some routine blood work done the other day and it just wasn’t fun. Now I wasn’t expecting Disney World, but there was nothing in the experience that made me think of myself as anything other than a human pin cushion. The room was sterile, the chair...

Has the Internet of Things Jumped the Shark

Self confession. I might have gone on a rant in that last post about the Barbie Dreamhouse. Maybe. I recently listened to an episode of Adam Savage’s podcast that was discussing things seen at CES among other topics. Somehow the topic of internet connected water...

The Longest Short Book I Ever Read

So, I just finished a book that clocks in at 249 pages and it took me three months to finish it. No, it wasn’t written in another language. It was in clear, easy to read English with a nice sized font that was easy on the eyes. The problem wasn’t that the...

Where’s the Brake?

When I get into a car, I have a few basic expectations of how the car will work. There will be a steering wheel, gas pedal, brake pedal, etc. Some things, like the radio and air conditioner, I know will be different and take a few moments to get oriented to, but...

A Vanished Leader

It is usually an honor to be asked to deliver a d’var torah at a meeting, so when asked recently to give one for a committee meeting I naturally accepted. Feeling somewhat flattered (the committee is filled with rabbis and others who have more Jewish knowledge...