Helping Children Cope with Stress

Helping Children Cope with Stress

Are kids today more or less stressed than their parents were growing up? Maybe. A better question might be what do we as parents do about helping our kids manage stress? Watch this episode of the Innovative Dad to learn more about the causes of stress and what we as...
Homework Help for Parents

Homework Help for Parents

Struggling with helping your kids with homework? Watch this recording of a Facebook Live session with the  Innovative Dad for a discussion on strategies for dealing with the on-going homework battles that we have with our kids. We’ll cover how to setup a working...
Helping Kids with Making Choices

Helping Kids with Making Choices

Children, like adults, are faced with making decisions throughout the day. But, do we ever take the time to think about how we are asking them to make choices? Join the Innovative Dad for a conversation about how to structure choice making for children and how to help...