Imagine playing a challenging video game. You encounter a tricky obstacle, maybe a particularly fierce enemy or a complex puzzle. Do you give up? Of course not! You try again, maybe with a different strategy, or perhaps you even consult a walkthrough. In other words, you give yourself a “do-over.”

Just like in a video game, children are constantly learning and growing. They will inevitably encounter challenges – moments of frustration, anger, or unkindness. Instead of seeing these as “game overs,” we can view them as opportunities for learning and growth.

The “Do-Over” Power-Up

Think of the “do-over” as a special power-up in the game of parenting. It allows children to:

  • Retry the Level: When children make a mistake, they get a second chance to try again, to approach the situation differently.
  • Improve Their Skills: Each “do-over” provides an opportunity to practice important life skills like self-control, empathy, and problem-solving.
  • Unlock New Abilities: By navigating these challenges successfully, children develop resilience, emotional intelligence, and the confidence to face future obstacles.

How to Activate the “Do-Over” Power-Up

  1. Acknowledge the Glitch: Gently and calmly acknowledge the child’s misbehavior. “I noticed you raised your voice at your brother. That sounded pretty angry.”
  2. Understand the Cause: Try to understand the underlying emotions. “It sounds like you were feeling really frustrated when you said that.”
  3. Offer a “Do-Over”: Explain that everyone makes mistakes and that this is an opportunity to try again. “Let’s try that again. How can you tell your brother you’re feeling frustrated in a calmer way?”
  4. Provide Guidance: Work with your child to come up with a new approach. Role-playing can be helpful.
  5. Reward Progress: Once the child has made amends or corrected their behavior, offer praise and encouragement. “I’m so proud of how you handled that! You used your words calmly.”

Benefits of the “Do-Over” Power-Up

  • Level Up Resilience: Children learn that mistakes are not the end of the world and that they have the power to make things right.
  • Boost Empathy: By encouraging children to consider how their actions affect others, do-overs promote empathy and compassion.
  • Unlock Communication Skills: Do-overs provide opportunities for children to practice effective communication and conflict resolution.
  • Strengthen the Parent-Child Bond: By focusing on collaboration and problem-solving, do-overs can strengthen the bond between parent and child.


  • Use Consistently: Employ the “do-over” power-up consistently for all types of misbehavior to reinforce its effectiveness.
  • Customize for Your Child: The specific approach will vary depending on your child’s age and temperament.
  • Focus on Learning: The goal is not to eliminate mistakes but to create a safe space for children to learn and grow from them.

By incorporating “do-overs” into your parenting strategy, you can help your children navigate the challenges of life with greater resilience and confidence. Just like in a challenging video game, every obstacle overcome makes them stronger and more prepared for the next level.