Raising Teens

Raising Teens

Having an adolescent in the home isn’t always a joy. In fact, it can be a regular challenge to deal with the emerging adult who has taken the place of the small child you thought of as your baby. Building and maintaining your relationship is a vital part of...
The Power of Gratitude

The Power of Gratitude

Sometimes, you don’t know the power of a practice until you’ve had the opportunity to really use it yourself. I’ve written and talked about the power of gratitude on this blog and with patients, students, and their families. I’ve emphasized it...
Top 10 Blog Posts

Top 10 Blog Posts

Another year is in the books and it’s on to 2020! Give all of the jokes that I’ve heard in the last 24 hours about 20/20 hindsight and 20/20 vision, I thought it was time to look back on the most popular posts on this blog over the last four years of...