I’m excited to share with you that I am launching my new private practice and will begin working with clients starting in October in Montgomery County, MD. 

If you regularly follow this blog, you know that I’m a licensed psychologist with over 15 years of experience working with children and parents dealing with academic and behavioral challenges. I hold a doctorate in school psychology from Temple University and a certificate of advanced graduate studies in school administration and supervision from Johns Hopkins University. My background includes extensive experience with psychoeducational testing, counseling, and parent coaching. I have worked as an administrator in both private and public schools and have a deep knowledge of special education. You can read more about my professional experience here.

I will be offering a variety of services, including:

  • Psychoeducational Testing
  • Admissions Testing
  • Counseling
  • Parent Workshops
  • Parent Coaching
  • School-based Professional Development

I will be offering testing and counseling appointments on Sundays and evenings in North Bethesda. You can learn more about these services here.

I am so pleased to move into this next phase of my career and to be sharing this update with you. If you feel I might be a good fit for a prospective client, I hope you will consider referring them to me. Thank you so much for your support and assistance with this process.

You can stay in touch with and my practice through my blog, my professional Facebook page, my Instagram profile, or my Twitter feed. You can also received free articles and videos by subscribing to my semi-regular newsletter by clicking here.

Thank you,
