Like many parents, I’ve been thinking about the school shooting in Florida. Sometimes the news is just frightening – for us and for our kids. We want and hope that schools are safe places for our children to grow and learn. When they aren’t, it can shake us to the core of our souls. The challenge that we have as parents is how to talk to our kids about the violence in our world. We want to shelter them, but, at the same time, we know that they will hear about violence in schools and have questions about it. As parents, we need to help our children process these acts of violence and help our children reestablish a sense of normalcy.

I hope that the strategies in this video can help you have meaningful conversations with your children.


Talking to Children about Violence: Tips for Parents and Educators from the National Association of School Psychologists

Talking to Children about Lockdown Drills

Helping Children Manage Stress