Needless Needles?

I had some routine blood work done the other day and it just wasn’t fun. Now I wasn’t expecting Disney World, but there was nothing in the experience that made me think of myself as anything other than a human pin cushion. The room was sterile, the chair...

Cleaning Out the Digital Closet

In cleaning up my digital life, I recently stumbled across my notes from when I was an instructor at Temple University’s College of Education in educational technology. Given that I last taught this course well over a decade ago, most of the tools that we...
Hack My Baby, Please!

Hack My Baby, Please!

Ever wondered what would happen if you attached a Fitbit to your toddler or infant? Or thought about how useful it would be for a sensor to live in your baby’s bottom that notified you when you needed to change the diaper? These dreams aren’t for the...